Enrolling Trials

BI-1199.247: A double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of nintedanib over 52 weeks in patients with Progressive Fibrosing Interstitial Lung Disease (PF-ILD)

PT010005: A randomized, double-blind, multi-center, parallel group study to assess the efficacy and safety of PT010 relative to PT003 and PT009 on COPD exacerbations over a 52-week treatment period in subjects with moderate to very severe COPD

Have you had a COPD flare (bronchitis requiring treatment with steroids and/or antibiotics) in the past 12 months? You may qualify to participate in a clinical trial. 

If interested, please call: 817-332-5599/817-235-6296 or email research@texaspulmonary.com


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